- Theatre of Learning
- Open Class
- Post-conference
:: Theatre of Learning ::
Our initial desire, as a possible “result” of our search was to stage a performance based on our main questions. However, as the process went on, we realised that putting up a performance (in its common and classical format of a theatre play) would be falling into the trap we are trying to escape. Creating a performance, where we would advocate our ideas on education, would possibly exclude the audience from a collective engagement in our search and hence create a similar stultification process that Jacotot described. We needed to search further.
Searching further meant challenging the borders of a performance space, of interaction, of roles, by creating a border-free environment of creatively sharing knowledge. Aware to all what preceded through the history of education we arrived to extracting two of its main “choreographies” - the lesson and the conference. Giving ourselves the freedom to explore the density, limits and the flexibility of these two structures has brought us to what we call a Post-conference.
- Theatre of Learning
- Open Class
- Post-conference